Birkett Long boosts image and efficiency with document consistency

Novaplex’s Template Studio Docs software enables Birkett Long to significantly elevate document quality and simplify workflows
Before implementing Novaplex’s Template Studio Docs software, a templates solution which eliminates the formatting difficulties and complexities of Microsoft Word, Birkett Long relied on a bespoke software solution integrated into Word. Designed to simplify the use of templates by allowing users to drag and drop them into documents, this previous system had its limitations and the Essex-based firm, which also has offices in London and Malta, needed a more robust solution.
The benefit of integrated systems
Having used Novaplex’s software at a previous firm, David Bennett, chief technology officer at Birkett Long, knew the immediate benefits and efficiencies it could bring to the firm. Not only is the software more modern and user-friendly, but it’s also compatible with NetDocuments, the new document management system (DMS) the firm was in the process of rolling out.
Birkett Long is also moving on to a new case management system (CMS) after 20 years. Novaplex and NetDocuments will both be integrated with this, which will enable easy access to templates and documents both within and outside the new CMS, enhancing workflow efficiency. “Making sure we have consistently formatted templates, and storing them in a single location, makes complete business sense,” says Bennett.
The previous software, created by a third-party company several years ago, began to show its age as it struggled to keep pace with newer versions of Word. This led to compatibility issues and data corruptions when sending documents, hampering the productivity of lawyers and the firm as a whole.
The software was also written in a foreign language and lacked a support agreement, making its maintenance complex and frustrating, says Bennett. Ultimately, the firm decided to scrap it.
Birkett Long needed a new solution that could streamline document creation and management and ensure that its templates remained consistent and up-to-date across all departments.
The transition to Novaplex’s Template Studio software significantly modernised the firm’s document production, reducing the time spent on document creation and enhancing overall document quality, aligning it with the Birkett Long brand.
“I found no other company as knowledgeable as Novaplex, and they really provided the best software solution for document templates,” says Bennett.
Security and sustainability
Birkett Long also uses two other Novaplex solutions, Metaminder and Threadprint, to enhance document security and compliance and operate sustainably.
Metaminder strips all hidden metadata from Word documents (and other files), helping the firm to maintain the integrity and professionalism of documents shared externally. It’s particularly handy in the legal sector, where documents often pass through multiple hands and undergo numerous revisions.
Threadprint helps the firm to reduce paper waste by allowing users to select a specific portion of an email to print or pdf — enormously beneficial in law firms, where email threads can become very long as discussions progress. The sheer volume of printing these threads for review or filing can be overwhelming, and wasteful. Threadprint gives users the flexibility to find and print or pdf exactly what they need.
Responsive customer service
In the initial phase of rolling out these products, Novaplex worked closely with Birkett Long to understand its house style and document management needs, Bennett explains.
Customer care also continued beyond the implementation stage. When the firm had technical queries, the team at Novaplex was responsive and offered hands-on support, resolving issues quickly while ensuring minimal disruptions.
“Where we’ve had queries, particularly with Metaminder or Threadprint, they’ve always responded very quickly and always kept us updated,” he says.
“The Novaplex team is very easy to talk to, if you want to ask about a specific document production issue, they will have advice and guide you.”
The return on investment has been significant, going beyond financials and bolstering the firm’s image. “Your reputation is only as good as your last document or email,” notes Bennett. “I would argue that these two particular areas are vital for law firms — not only giving the clients a professional-looking document but also making sure what they receive is safe and secure, uncompromised in any way,” explains Bennett.
It has been a critical step in Birkett Long’s digital modernisation journey. As well as safeguarding document quality and consistency, the production process is more efficient and integration capabilities have simplified lawyers’ day-to-day workflows in a win for productivity.
About Novaplex
A UK based Software and Services Company established in 2008. Providing a range of software solutions for the creation and automation of documents and presentations and email attachment metadata cleaning.Our solutions and experience achieve:
- Reliable, easy to use software to create all business documents
- Quality and consistency of brand across documents, presentations and spreadsheets
- Improvements in document production processes through automation and electronic signatures
- Reduced risk and ensuring compliance
- Efficiency and simplicity in the production of documents and presentations
- Professionally designed documents and presentations with impact
- Intuitive and user friendly software products
- All software is Office 365, Office 2019 and 2016 compatible
- Software is available in 32-bit or 64-bit versions
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